2012The Right Ruby Mix
Ruby is a melting pot language. It borrows ideas from many things that came before. It combines several different programming philosophies.
This aspect of the language can be a plus. It means that Ruby is suited to multiple applications. It also opens up some pragmatic shortcuts. Even better, it sometimes encourages us to think about problems using a different lens of thought.
Of course, this cuts both ways. Ruby living at the intersection of many ideas does have some downsides. First, there's more to learn than you find with some simpler languages. There's a cost for the extra knowledge we have to track. Even worse though, in my opinion, is that it's sometimes hard to know exactly what Ruby's style really is.
Going Off Script
One culture Ruby borrowed heavily from is that of the so called "Scripting Languages." The main source of these features was Perl, in my opinion, but you can also find influences from Bash and other sources. I found this comforting since I came to Ruby from Perl, but the truth is that it bothers some people.
All the examples in this chapter are trivially translated (switch
sub { ... }
tolambda { ... }
). Ironically, I have never seen a chunk of idiomatic Ruby do anything like this. Rubyists clearly favor blocks for this sort of work. Have a look at the stream addition and multiplication examples of this chapter, for example. You can also see this when MJD trying to create a suitableinject()
for Perl (he calls it reduce/fold).Another interesting point about this chapter is how much of it is spent warring with Perl's syntax. MJD really struggles to introduce a block-like syntax for curried methods and is outright defeated in a couple of attempts. I really like how easily Ruby yields to our attempts to reprogram her, in sharp contrast to her sister language.
Continuing that line of thought, here's my best effort at the Poor Man's Currying library:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w class Proc def curry(&args_munger) lambda { |*args| call(*args_munger[args]) } end end class Object def curry(new_name, old_name, &args_munger) ([Class, Module].include?(self.class) ? self : self.class).class_eval do define_method(new_name) { |*args| send(old_name, *args_munger[args]) } end end end
2006Infinite Streams
I've tried to summarize this chapter a couple of times now, but I keep getting tripped up over syntax. So, let's talk about that…
Functional Perl
Obviously, the examples in the book can be more or less directly translated. Here's a sample from the first couple of pages:
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w ### Stream Methods ### def node(head, tail) [head, tail] end def head(stream) stream.first end def tail(stream) tail = stream.last if tail.is_a?(Proc) tail.call else tail end end def drop(stream) head = head(stream) stream[0], stream[1] = Array(tail(stream)) head end def show(stream, limit = nil) while head(stream) && (limit.nil? or (limit -= 1) > -1) print drop(stream), $, || " " end print $/ end ### Examples ### def upto(from, to) return if from > to node(from, lambda { upto(from + 1, to) }) end show(upto(3, 6)) # => 3 4 5 6 def upfrom(start) node(start, lambda { upfrom(start + 1) }) end show(upfrom(7), 10) # => 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2006Iterators (Chapters 4 and 5)
Due to a printing error, these two chapters actually came out longer than intended. Originally their contents were: "Use Ruby."
All jokes aside, there's really not a whole lot for me to talk about from these chapters, since iterators are so internal to Ruby. Readers from our camp should run into a lot less surprises here that the intended audience. Just translate MDJ's anonymous subroutines to blocks, replace his returns with yields, and you are 90% of the way there.
Here are translations for some of the examples in these chapters. I think these all come out cleaner and more natural in Ruby, but you be the judge:
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w def permute(items) 0.upto(1.0/0.0) do |count| pattern = count_to_pattern(count, items.size) or break puts "Pattern #{pattern.join(' ')}:" if $DEBUG yield(pattern_to_permutation(pattern, items.dup)) end end def pattern_to_permutation(pattern, items) pattern.inject(Array.new) { |results, i| results + items.slice!(i, 1) } end def count_to_pattern(count, item_count) pattern = (1..item_count).inject(Array.new) do |pat, i| pat.unshift(count % i) count /= i pat end count.zero? ? pattern : nil end if ARGV.empty? abort "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} LIST_OF_ITEMS" end permute(ARGV) { |perm| puts(($DEBUG ? " " : "") + perm.join(" ")) }
2006Caching and Memoization
I felt this chapter had a lot going for it, in places, but occasionally got lost in the details. All in all though, it's good stuff.
Obviously a powerful technique here and all of it translates to Ruby with little effort. Here's a direct translation of the
subroutine:#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w $cache = Hash.new def rgb_to_cmyk(*rgb) return $cache[rgb] if $cache.include?(rgb) c, m, y = rgb.map { |color| 255 - color } k = [c, m, y].min $cache[rgb] = [c, m, y].map { |color| color - k } + [k] end unless ARGV.size == 3 && ARGV.all? { |n| n =~ /\A\d+\Z/ } abort "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} RED GREEN BLUE" end puts rgb_to_cmyk(*ARGV.map { |num| num.to_i }).join(", ")
There are several interesting syntax differences in there. For example, I had to use a global variable for the
because Ruby methods don't have access to local variables. Another option would be to use alambda()
. These are probably good indicators that we would wrap this in an object and use instance variables normally. -
2006Dispatch Tables
I think in Ruby we tend to do a lot of this kind of work with
. I told you, Functional OO Programming.Here's my attempt at something close to a direct translation of the RPN calculator example:
#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w $stack = Array.new def rpn(expression, operations_table) tokens = expression.split(" ") tokens.each do |token| type = token =~ /\A\d+\Z/ ? :number : nil operations_table[type || token][token] end $stack.pop end if ARGV.size == 2 && ARGV.first == "-i" && ARGV.last =~ /\A[-+*\/0-9 ]+\Z/ require "pp" def ast_to_infix(ast) if ast.is_a?(Array) op, left, right = ast "(#{ast_to_infix(left)} #{op} #{ast_to_infix(right)})" else ast.to_s end end ast_table = Hash.new do |table, token| lambda { |op| s = $stack.pop; $stack << [op, $stack.pop, s] } end.merge(:number => lambda { |num| $stack << num.to_i }) puts "AST:" pp(ast = rpn(ARGV.last, ast_table)) puts "Infix:" pp ast_to_infix(ast) elsif ARGV.size == 1 && ARGV.first =~ /\A[-+*\/0-9 ]+\Z/ calculation_table = Hash.new do |table, token| raise "Unknown token: #{token}." end.merge( :number => lambda { |num| $stack << num.to_i }, "+" => lambda { $stack << $stack.pop + $stack.pop }, "-" => lambda { s = $stack.pop; $stack << $stack.pop - s }, "*" => lambda { $stack << $stack.pop * $stack.pop }, "/" => lambda { d = $stack.pop; $stack << $stack.pop / d } ) puts rpn(ARGV.first, calculation_table) else puts "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} [-i] RPN_EXPRESSION" end
2006Recursion and Callbacks
I'm currently reading through Higher-Order Perl, by Mark Jason Dominus. (Yes, I read books about things other than Ruby.)
So far, I'm enjoying the title quite a bit. It certainly has me thinking and the Perl in it is very clean and easy to understand. That helps me translate the concepts to my language of interest.
I'll post some of my Ruby translations of the books example code here as I go along. Others familiar with the book might enjoy looking over them. Be warned, my comments might not make much sense to those who haven't read the book.
The book starts with some very simple recursion examples trivially translated. Here's one for manually translating
s to binaryString
s (a long way to saystr.to_i.to_s(2)
in Ruby):#!/usr/local/bin/ruby -w def binary(number) return number.to_s if [0, 1].include?(number) k, b = number.divmod(2) binary(k) + b.to_s end unless !ARGV.empty? && ARGV.all? { |n| n =~ /\A\d+\Z/ } abort "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)} DECIMAL_NUMBERS" end puts ARGV.map { |num| binary(num.to_i) }.join(" ")