2007I Enjoy the Regional Conferences
I have to say that the Lone Star Rubyconf was just great. I'm hoping that's representative of the other regional Ruby conferences as well and from what I've heard it is.
I was at the official Rubyconf last year and I'm comfortable saying that the Lone Star Rubyconf competed well on content. We had great keynotes from Charles Nutter and Zed Shaw (though he's wrong about that don't love your language point); we had presentations from icons of the community, like Hal Fulton; we had popular topics covered by the experts, like the RSpec presentation from Mr. RSpec, David Chelimsky; and we had the wonderfully practical technical talks, like Evan Short's smooth coverage of Domain Specific Languages.
While you do have to consider it a small minus to miss seeing Matz and a few other key Rubyists, the conference countered with a terrific small community feel. Everyone was open and friendly. You could easily approach anyone and chat them up about nearly any topic. Several people approached me and I loved it.
2007I Got Booed at the LSRC!
At the Lone Star Rubyconf, only a single speech coaxed a "Boo!" out crowd. Of course, it was mine.
On a slide where I was trying to counter the expert warnings against using glue code features in Ruby, I told people not to lose a lot of sleep about external dependencies. When I added the comment, "That's your SysAdmin problem anyway," one audience member growled a complaint.
The complainer later apologized to me for the outburst, but his point was valid that I didn't say what I intended to say.
What I was trying to get across is that any external dependency I add to an application is going to become a line item in my SysAdmin's build script. After that, neither of us will lose any more sleep over it. He does his job so well that it makes mine easy. So, what came off as an insult, was intended as a compliment. I apologize.
To rebalance the global karma pool, do me a favor and hug your SysAdmin today.
2007Marcel at Play
At the preconference charity event for the first Lone Star Rubyconf, Marcel Molina, Jr gave one of the best talks I've ever heard at a conference. The entire talk was Marcel showing examples of pathological (his word, not mine) Ruby code. Not only did he show all these examples to a room full of people new to language at an event titled Intro to Ruby, but he actually made a case for these examples being proof positive Ruby is a reliable language.
This was a very unique approach to speeches in that we literally saw a Ruby master at play. While most speakers try to put our best foot forward, Marcel embraced the craziness and just had some fun. His attitude was infectious and really drove his point home.
We should all try to have more fun with our speeches. It's so enlightening to watch, for any audience. I hope I have the courage to try a similar talk in the future.
2007Finding Serenity
[Update: This blog no longer runs on Serenity. I've created yet another engine to power it.]
I'll be nice and not name any names, but my old blog software was really struggling. I've dealt with numerous issues from it over the years I've run this blog and all of that extra maintenance finally wore me down.
I'm sure you've noticed the theme change here by now. That's the surface result of me having replaced the entire backend. This blog now runs on a blogging engine I invented called Serenity. It's a young engine at this point, but I suspect it will improve as I fiddle with it and find what I like.
I've moved all of the content over, so my hope is that nothing is missing. Unfortunately there have been some URL changes. I apologize for that and promise that I don't plan to change them again anytime in the near future.
Thanks for being patient with me during this transition. I hope that it will lighten my maintenance load and give me more time to write articles.
2007Erlang Message Passing
Like many Pragmatic Programmer fans, I've been having a look at Erlang recently by working my way through Programming Erlang. In the book, the author includes a challenge: build a message ring of processes of size M and send a message around the ring N times, timing how long this takes. The author also suggests doing this in other languages and comparing the results. Having now done this, I can tell you that it is an interesting exercise.
First, the Erlang results. Here's a sample run that creates 30,000 processes and sends a message around that ring 1,000 times:
$ erl -noshell -s solution start 30000 1000 Creating 30000 processes (32768 allowed)... Done. Timer started. Sending a message around the ring 1000 times... Done: success Time in seconds: 29
So we see about 30,000,000 message passes there in roughly 30 seconds. I should also note that Erlang creates those processes very, very fast. It's possible to raise the process limit shown there, but I'm more interested in comparing what these languages can do out of the box.
2007The Ruby VM: Episode V
You have told us before that one of the big reasons to move to a new Ruby VM was to provide new options for optimization. Can you talk a little about the optimizations you have added to the new Ruby VM thus far and what operations will likely be faster because of them?
- ko1:
OK. At first, I write about basic of YARV instruction. YARV has two type instructions. First is primitive instruction. It's as written, primitive. Ruby code can be represented in these primitive instruction. Second is instructions for optimization. It's not needed to represent Ruby scripts, but they are added for optimization. Primitive instructions doesn't include
in their name (likeputobject
), and optimize instructions do (likeopt_plus
). This policy helps you if you want to see VM instructions. Initially, you need to read primitive instructions.The most easy and effective optimization is Specialized Instructions. This optimization replace method call with another VM instruction, such as
. Current Ruby's numeric calculation is slow because all operations are method call. For example,1 + 2
. But numeric operations are more lightweight than Ruby's method invocation. So method call is only overhead for numeric operation. Specialized Instructions allow the VM to skip method call overhead.But we can't know which expression is numeric operation or not at compile time. See this expression:
a = c ? 1 : [:elem]
will beFixnum
at runtime.So, we can't replace
expression with numeric operation instruction. Specialized Instruction, for exampleopt_plus
which is replaced with+
method invocation will do following code:def opt_plus(recv, val) # simple version if recv.class == Fixnum && val.class == Fixnum if Fixnum#+ is not redefined return calculate "recv + val" without method call end end # normal method invocation recv.+(val) end
Check receiver and value are
or not, and checkFixnum#+
are not redefined. After these check, calculate them without method invocation. In fact, Float#+ are also checked. There are other specialized instructions.YARV eases to implement such instructions with VM generator. You shouldn't write bothersome code such as stack manipulation. If you write VM instruction such as
in simple VM DSL, VM generator will translate it to C code.Specialized Instruction is very simple, but effective for simple benchmark such as
and some calculate bound program.
2007The Ruby VM: Episode IV
We've talked about threads, so let's talk a little about character encodings. This is another big change planned for Ruby's future. Matz, you have stated that you plan to add m17n (multilingualization) support to Ruby. Can you talk a little about what that change actually means for Ruby users?
- Matz:
Nothing much, except for some incompatibility in string manipulation, for example,
will give"a"
instead of97
, and string indexing will be based on character instead of byte. I guess the biggest difference is that we can officially declare we support Unicode. ;-)Unlike Perl nor Python, Ruby's M17N is not Unicode based (Universal Character Set or USC). It's character set independent (CSI). It will handle Unicode, along with other encoding schemes such as ISO8859 or EUC-JP etc. without converting them into Unicode.
Some misunderstand our motivation. We are no Unicode haters. Rather, I'd love to use Unicode if situation allows. We hate conversion between character sets. For historical reasons, there are many variety of character sets. For example, Shift_JIS character set has at least 5 variations, which differ each other in a few characters mapping. Unfortunately, we have no way to distinguish them. Thus conversion may cause information loss. If a language provide Unicode centric text manipulation, there's no way to avoid the problem, as long as we use that language.
- ko1:
On my policy, I escape from this topic :)
2007The Ruby VM: Episode III
Let's talk a little about threading, since that's a significant change in the new VM. First, can you please explain the old threading model used in Ruby 1.8 and also the new threading model now used in Ruby 1.9?
- Matz:
Old threading model is the green thread, to provide universal threading on every platform that Ruby runs. I think it was reasonable decision 14 years ago, when I started developing Ruby. Time goes by situation has changed. pthread or similar threading libraries are now available on almost every platform. Even on old platforms, pth library (a thread library which implements pthread API using setjmp etc.) can provide green thread implementation.
Koichi decided to use native thread for YARV. I honor his decision. Only regret I have is we couldn't have continuation support that used our green thread internal structure. Koichi once told me it's not impossible to implement continuation on YARV (with some restriction), so I expect to have it again in the future. Although it certainly has lower priority in 1.9 implementation.
- ko1:
Matz explained old one, so I show you YARV's thread model.
As you know, YARV support native thread. It means that you can run each Ruby thread on each native thread concurrently.
It doesn't mean that every Ruby thread runs in parallel. YARV has global VM lock (global interpreter lock) which only one running Ruby thread has. This decision maybe makes us happy because we can run most of the extensions written in C without any modifications.
2007No Longer the Fastest Game in Town
If your number one concern when working with CSV data in Ruby is raw speed, you might want to know that FasterCSV is no longer the fastest option.
There are a couple of new contenders for Ruby CSV processing including a C extension called SimpleCSV and a pure Ruby library called LightCsv. I haven't been able to test
locally, because I can't get it to build on my box, but users do tell me it's faster. I have run some trivial benchmarks forLightCsv
though and it too is pretty quick:$ rake benchmark (in /Users/james/Documents/faster_csv) time ruby -r csv -e '6.times { CSV.foreach("test/test_data.csv") { |row| } }' real 0m5.481s user 0m5.468s sys 0m0.010s time ruby -r lightcsv -e \ '6.times { LightCsv.foreach("test/test_data.csv") { |row| } }' real 0m0.358s user 0m0.349s sys 0m0.008s time ruby -r lib/faster_csv -e \ '6.times { FasterCSV.foreach("test/test_data.csv") { |row| } }' real 0m0.742s user 0m0.732s sys 0m0.009s
It's important to note that
is indeed very "light."FasterCSV
has grown up into a feature rich library that provides many different ways to look at your data. In contrast,LightCsv
doesn't yet allow you to set column or row separators. Given that, it's only an option for vanilla CSV you just need to iterate over. If that's what you have though, and speed counts, it might just be the right choice. -
2007The Ruby VM: Episode II
We started these talks because of the excitement around the alternate implementations, like JRuby and Rubinius. How do you feel about all of these new interpreters and how do you see them affecting the official development of Ruby?
- Matz:
Alternate implementations mean maturity of Ruby language. I'm glad for the fact. But we have never had enough number of developers for core, so I think we need more cooperation between implementations. I had a good talk about future Ruby spec. with Charles Nutter recently. I expect occasion like this more often.
- ko1:
I think having alternatives is very important. I want to know how to implement Ruby and apply these techniques to YARV.
In fact, implementing from scratch is very fun. YARV (official Ruby implementation) has many problems resulted from historical reasons (a biggest problem is compatibility to extension libraries).
Have you downloaded and installed any of the other interpreters?