Early Steps

My content targeted at the newer Rubyists among us.




Just recently I have been working with two different people to improve their regular expression skills. To help me in this endeavor, I built a trivial little script we have been using in IRb. To get started, you construct a new challenge object and add a couple of challenges:

>> reg_chal = RegexpChallenge.new
No challenges.
>> reg_chal.challenge("Gray, James", "James", "The names can vary.")
=> nil
>> reg_chal.challenge("abbbbbbbc bc", 10)
=> nil
>> reg_chal.challenge( "    \n\t  ", nil,
?>                     "We want to test for non-space data." )
=> nil
>> reg_chal.challenge( "cogs 9, widgets 12, ...", "12",
?>                     "The numbers can vary." )
=> nil
>> reg_chal.challenge( "I'm a simple sentence, with words.",
?>                     %w[I'm a simple sentence with words] )
=> nil

You can ask for challenges to see what you would like to solve:

>> reg_chal.challenges
Challenge #0:
   Input:  "Gray, James"
  Output:  "James"
    Note:  "The names can vary."
Challenge #1:
   Input:  "abbbbbbbc bc"
  Output:  10
Challenge #2:
   Input:  "    \n\t  "
  Output:  nil
    Note:  "We want to test for non-space data."
Challenge #3:
   Input:  "cogs 9, widgets 12, ..."
  Output:  "12"
    Note:  "The numbers can vary."
Challenge #4:
   Input:  "I'm a simple sentence, with words."
  Output:  ["I'm", "a", "simple", "sentence", "with", "words"]
=> nil

Finally, you attempt solutions by giving the system the index of the challenge, a method name to call on the input String, a Regexp to pass, and any other needed parameters:

>> reg_chal.solve(0, :=~, /, \w+/)
That is not a valid solution.
Expected output:  "James"
    Your output:  4
=> nil
>> reg_chal.solve(0, :[], /\w+$/)
Correct.  Nice job.
=> nil
>> reg_chal.solutions
Solution #0:
     Input:  "Gray, James"
    Output:  "James"
      Note:  "The names can vary."
  Solution:  [](/\w+$/)
=> nil

After you have played with it for a while you will probably build up some solutions and challenges. You can use the save() method to dump those to a YAML file and even load() them back later, if needed.

Finally, for some real fun, the challenger supports sharing the challenges over a network with another user. The host should just change the initial construction call to:

reg_chal = RegexpChallenge.host

And then another user can get a copy of the challenge object with:

reg_chal = RegexpChallenge.join("HOST IP ADDRESS HERE")

If that sounds like something you would like to play with, here's the actual code for the library you load into IRb:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

require "yaml"
require "drb"

$SAFE = 1
PORT  = 61676

class RegexpChallenge
  def self.host(challenges = nil)
    hosted_challenges = challenges || new
    DRb.start_service("druby://{PORT}", hosted_challenges)
    puts "Now serving challenges on port #{PORT}..."

  def self.join(ip_address)
    puts "Connecting to challenges on port #{PORT} at IP #{ip_address}..."
    challenges = DRbObject.new_with_uri("druby://#{ip_address}:#{PORT}")
    challenges.drb_stdout = $stdout

  def self.load(file_name = "regexp_challenge.yaml")
    File.open(file_name) { |file| YAML.load(file) }

  def initialize
    @challenges = Array.new
    @solutions  = Array.new

    @drb_stdout = nil

  attr_writer :drb_stdout

  def io
    if caller.any? { |call| call =~ /\bdrb\b/ }
      @drb_stdout || $stdout

  def challenge(input, output, note = nil)
    @challenges << [input, output, note] and nil

  def challenges
    if @challenges.empty?
      io.puts "No challenges."
      @challenges.each_with_index do |challenge, i|
        io.puts describe_challenge(challenge, i)
    end && nil
  alias_method :inspect, :challenges

  def solve(challenge_number, method_call, regexp, *additional_args)
    answer = @challenges[challenge_number][0].send( method_call,
                                                    *additional_args )
    if answer == @challenges[challenge_number][1]
      io.puts "Correct.  Nice job."
      @solutions << @challenges.slice!(challenge_number) + [ method_call,
                                                             additional_args ]
      io.puts "That is not a valid solution."
      io.puts "Expected output:  #{@challenges[challenge_number][1].inspect}"
      io.puts "    Your output:  #{answer.inspect}"
    end && nil

  def solutions
    @solutions.each_with_index do |solution, i|
      io.puts describe_challenge(solution, i, "Solution").
              map { |line| line.sub(/^  /, "\\0\\0") }
      description = "  Solution:  #{solution[3]}(#{solution[4].inspect}"
      unless solution[5].empty?
        description << ", #{solution[5].map { |arg| arg.inspect }.join(', ')}"
      io.puts description + ")"
    end && nil

  def save(file_name = "regexp_challenge.yaml")
    File.open(file_name, "w") { |file| YAML.dump(self, file) }


  def describe_challenge(challenge, number, title = "Challenge")
    description = [ "#{title} ##{number}:",
                    "   Input:  #{challenge[0].inspect}",
                    "  Output:  #{challenge[1].inspect}", ]
    unless challenge[2].nil?
      description << "    Note:  #{challenge[2].inspect}"

Feel free to post challenges for people to try in the comments of this post.

Comments (5)
  1. Jeff
    Jeff August 2nd, 2006 Reply Link

    Great idea, James. Can I ask a quick question about the code? I didn't understand the purpose behind this line in the 'solutions' method:

    .map { |line| line.sub(/^  /, "\\\\0\\\\0") }

    You're replacing leading spaces in each line with what exactly (and why)?


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    2. James Edward Gray II
      James Edward Gray II August 2nd, 2006 Reply Link

      \0 is the entire match in a replacement String ($& after the match). I'm just doubling the leading space so that the longer word "Solution," lines up neatly with the others.

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      2. Jeff
        Jeff August 3rd, 2006 Reply Link

        (waps forehead) of course! Thanks, James.

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  2. Ryan Bates
    Ryan Bates August 3rd, 2006 Reply Link

    Very cool. I'll definitely be playing around with this. Thanks!

    Interestingly, I created something similar for my Rails Day project. You can download the source here: http://svn.railsday2006.com/railsday/team61/regex_tutor/trunk/

    You may need to use the latest version of Safari or Firefox to see it properly though. Maybe someday I'll turn it into a real site.

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  3. Gregory
    Gregory August 16th, 2006 Reply Link

    Here is my (completed untested) modification which allows you to use a block for your solution and match any ruby object.

    This does all sorts of destruction to the pretty 'solutions' stuff you do, but was a fun hack on the plane on the way back from OKC


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