Early Steps

My content targeted at the newer Rubyists among us.



String Has Other Methods Besides =~/match() and sub()

Ask anyone who knows me and they will tell you I'm a huge fan of regular expressions. I use them all the time and my FasterCSV library is a regular expression powered parser. However, even I know they are not for everything, and lately I keep running into almost comical examples of misuse. Here are some of my favorites.

First, we have:

str =~ /=/

That snippet is like calling for a military escort (the regular expression engine) to see you safely to the grocery store down the block. That's fun, but probably overkill. In this case, a call to include?() will do the trick:


That may be more like riding your bike to the grocery store, but it gets the job done and is a bit faster to boot.

Funny example number two. I've seen this before:

str =~ /\Aquit\Z/

Again, the regular expression engine appreciates the love, but you really just want ==:

str == "quit"

Even for some of the fancier stuff, you don't need a full blown regular expression. For example, this:

str.sub(/\D+/, "")

could be:

str.delete("^0-9")  # no, that's not a regex

You get the idea. I'm not trying to ban regular expressions. Instead, I just think people should remember there are a lot of other methods in String. When you have a few moments, look up these guys in the documentation:

  • String#[]= (can take a regex, but has other fun options)
  • String#count
  • String#index (can take a regex)
  • String#squeeze
  • String#rindex (can take a regex)
Comments (3)
  1. john
    john July 18th, 2006 Reply Link

    You are my programming star.

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  2. dekay
    dekay July 26th, 2006 Reply Link

    Your feeds are broken? feedvalidator won't even hit the pageā€¦

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    2. James Edward Gray II
      James Edward Gray II August 24th, 2006 Reply Link

      Feeds should be fixed now. Sorry for the downtime.

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