Key-Value Stores

Notes from my learning about simple NoSQL storage solutions.



Using Key-Value Stores From Ruby

I've been playing with a few different key-value stores recently. My choices are pretty popular and you can find documentation for them. However, it can still be a bit of work to relate everything to Ruby specific usage, which is what I care about. Given that, here are my notes on the systems I've used.


  1. Setting up the Redis Server
  2. Using Redis as a Key-Value Store
  3. Lists and Sets in Redis
  4. Where Redis is a Good Fit

Tokyo Cabinet, Tokyo Tyrant, and Tokyo Dystopia

  1. Installing the Tokyo Software
  2. Tokyo Cabinet as a Key-Value Store
  3. Tokyo Cabinet's Key-Value Database Types
  4. Tokyo Cabinet's Tables
  5. Threads and Multiprocessing With Tokyo Cabinet
  6. Tokyo Tyrant as a Network Interface
  7. The Strengths of Tokyo Cabinet
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