Ruby Voodoo

Deep dives into random corners of my favorite programming language.



All About Struct

I build small little data classes all the time and there's a reason for that: Ruby makes it trivial to do so. That's a big win because we all know that what is a trivial data class today will be tomorrow's super object, right? If I start out using a simple Array or Hash, I'll probably end up redoing most of the logic at both ends eventually. Or I can start with the trivial class and grow it naturally.

The key to all this though is that I don't write those classes myself! That's what Ruby is for. More specifically, you need to learn to love Struct. Allow me to show you what I mean.

Imagine I need a basic class to represent a Contact. Ruby gives us so many shortcuts that the class could be very small even without Struct:

class Contact
  def initialize(first, last, email)
    @first = first
    @last  = last
    @email = email

  attr_accessor :first, :last, :email

You could shorten that up more with some multiple assignment if you like, but that's the basics. Now using Struct is even easier:

Contact =, :last, :email)

To be fair, that's not 100% the same as the previous code. My original class required that three arguments get passed to the constructor whereas Struct is more lenient:

p*%w[James Gray])
# >> #<struct Contact first="James",
#                     last="Gray",
#                     email="">
p*%w[James Gray])
# >> #<struct Contact first="James", last="Gray", email=nil>
# >> #<struct Contact first="James", last=nil, email=nil>
# >> #<struct Contact first=nil, last=nil, email=nil>

As you can see, all arguments to the constructor Struct builds for you are optional. It will just fill in the passed values, from left to right. This may or may not be an advantage for your needs.

Now lets look once more at how I built that Struct:

ClassName =

Struct::new() builds and returns Class objects. If you then assign that to a constant, you can pretty much treat it like any other class you build. Ruby usually just handles the constant assignment for you.

You can forgo the assignment to a constant if you pass the first argument as a constant name in String form:"Contact", :first, :last, :email)

This would not define a top-level Contact, but instead a Struct::Contact. Given that, your name must be unique among all Structs defined when using this approach.

Getting back to our fledgling Contact, it's important to note that it does have all the getter and setter methods for the attributes:

c =
p c
# >> #<struct Contact first=nil, last=nil, email=nil>
c.first = "James"
c.last  = "Gray"
p c
# >> #<struct Contact first="James", last="Gray", email=nil>
p c.last
# >> "Gray"

Again, Struct always defines both getter and setter for all attributes. That may or may not work for you.

You can also set values using a Hash like syntax:

c[:email] = ""
p c["email"]
# >> ""

String and Symbol keys are interchangeable.

Another awesome feature is that Struct gives you other ways to go through this data. Here are three of my personal favorites:

p c.members
# >> ["first", "last", "email"]
p c.values
# >> ["James", "Gray", ""]
c.each_pair do |name, value|
  puts "#{name}: #{value}"
# >> first: James
# >> last: Gray
# >> email:

We get a lot of functionality for free. That's obvious. But eventually you are always going to want to add your own. In times past, the following was a common idiom for that:

class Contact <, :last, :email)
  # ...

This is a neat example because it shows how flexible Ruby is. The parent Class for a Class definition doesn't have to be just a constant name. It can actually be any code that results in a Class object. Then we can just inherit from it and add to it as we like.

However, projects like Rails have shown the error of this approach. Because Rails is often dynamically reloading code, Class definitions will be rerun. That means the Struct call will happen again, resulting in a fresh parent Class object (which happens to have the exact same behavior). Ruby will see the new parent for an existing definition and choke with an error:

superclass mismatch for class Contact (TypeError)

The good news is that this isn't much of an issue because Struct plans for it. It's prepared to accept a block during definition and the contents of that block will be evaluate within your new Class. Thus it's trivial to add methods:

Contact =, :last, :email) do
  def to_hash

# ...

p c.to_hash
# >> {"last"=>"Gray",
#     "first"=>"James",
#     "email"=>""}

There is a gotcha when defining methods this way though. Struct cheats on the internal implementation and doesn't actually place values in real instance variables. Thus, you will need to stick to accessing your data through the method interface:

Contact =, :last, :email) do
  def full
    "#{first} #{last}".strip

# ...

p c.full
# >> "James Gray"

If Struct isn't dynamic enough for you, you may want to examine the standard OpenStruct library. It's essentially a Hash with a method interface, allowing you to change attributes as needed. You can also initialize it with a Hash, if needed:

require "ostruct"

name = => "James", :last => "Gray")
p name.last
# >> "Gray"

name.suffix = "II"  # add an attribute
p name.suffix
# >> "II"

Sadly, OpenStruct is missing most of the niceties of Struct. Because of that, I don't feel it buys you much over a Hash.

Keep Struct in mind next time you need a simple data object. It's hardly any effort to setup, it comes fully loaded with options, and it can grow as your needs do.

Comments (8)
  1. Adam Sanderson
    Adam Sanderson October 10th, 2008 Reply Link

    Great post, Struct is incredibly handy. You have a typo in the first example though. @last and @email should not = first ;)

    I would suggest that people avoid OpenStruct in long running applications unless they really need the functionality. I found that it caused a rather severe memory leak in our Rails application. Switching to a Struct or Hash fixed everything up.

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    2. James Edward Gray II
      James Edward Gray II October 10th, 2008 Reply Link

      Fixed. Thanks.

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  2. damphyr
    damphyr October 24th, 2008 Reply Link

    Nice! One more trick up the sleeve.

    Essentially though the{} gives us another idiom for defining classes - which will prove confusing for a few people. I love it!

    Once upon a time (we're talking the long ago of internet time here) I used OpenStruct a lot instead of mocks. It's still lounging deep in some of my configuration code.
    Actually with the use of mocks I further reduced OpenStruct to the cases where I want to retrieve something from the mocked instance (just a contrived example):
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  3. John Conti
    John Conti December 15th, 2009 Reply Link


    Thanks for the post. I like the bit about creating a Struct with a block to define methods. In looking at the generated documentation at, I don't see this functionality.

    Is this an omission in the docs? How did you come across such a nice juicy tidbit?

    Thank you.

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    2. James Edward Gray II
      James Edward Gray II December 15th, 2009 Reply Link

      It's mentioned in the reference portion of the Pickaxe.

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    3. John Conti
      John Conti December 15th, 2009 Reply Link

      Wow, so I just answered my own question reading the ostruct source. You can do this with any class. Learning something new is cool. Learning something cool and general is hot! (as Paris Hilton likes to say) ;-)

      Cheers and thanks for the great blog.

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  4. Chris Patuzzo
    Chris Patuzzo September 13th, 2012 Reply Link

    I find myself doing this quite a bit:

    class Foo <, :b, :c)
      def initialize(*args)

    It's not the prettiest, but it gives you all that Struct goodness without the limitation of no initializer and without duplicated arguments.

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  5. Rob Dawson
    Rob Dawson January 4th, 2013 Reply Link

    nice post. I happily found the information I was looking for—how to add a method. I then got the added bonus of the method I wanted to add being to_hash, as per your example :).

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