[Note: You need to know what the Gateway is before reading this article.]
The second half of the Ruby Gateway runs as a cron job every five minutes and is expected to move all new newsgroup messages from the NNTP host to the Ruby Talk mailing list. The cron invocation is simply:
ruby /path/to/gateway/bin/news_to_mail.rb /path/to/news_to_mail.log
This side of the Gateway is not piped any messages and exit codes from it are not monitored. It needs to tend its own affairs.
The Code
Here's the source:
GATEWAY_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..").freeze
DATA_DIR = File.join(GATEWAY_DIR, "data").freeze
LAST_ID_FILE = File.join(DATA_DIR, "last_news_id.txt").freeze
PID_FILE = File.join(DATA_DIR, "pid.txt").freeze
$LOAD_PATH << File.join(GATEWAY_DIR, "config") << File.join(GATEWAY_DIR, "lib")
# ...
The script begins by locating the root directory of the Gateway source and the data sub directory, building constants for two external files it will interact with, and adjusting the $LOAD_PATH
so that it can require
needed resources.
Here are those require
# ...
require "servers_config"
require "nntp"
require "net/smtp"
require "logger"
require "timeout"
# ...
The first two requires are the same code used by the other half of the Gateway. The last three are standard Ruby libraries the code will make use of.
# ...
# prepare log
log = Logger.new(ARGV.shift || $stdout)
log.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M "
# ...
This code opens a log file to record its status and adjusts the date and time formatting.
With setup complete, it's now vital to ensure that the current execution is the only copy of the code we are running. Should the Gateway get behind and fail to complete before the cron job launches another copy, duplicate messages could be sent to the list or worse.
# ...
# make sure only one copy is ever running at a time
File.open(PID_FILE, File::CREAT|File::EXCL|File::WRONLY) { |pid| pid.puts $$ }
at_exit do
log.error "Unable to unlink pid file: #{$!.message}"
pid = File.read(PID_FILE).strip.to_i rescue "unknown"
log.warn "Process #{pid} was already running"
# ...
The script attempts to write its process ID number to a file. The File::CREAT|File:EXCL
options ensure that the file is created or an exception is thrown, if it already existed. When the exception comes it is assumed that an earlier execution is still running and the script exits. If able to create the process ID file, the scripts knows it is the only copy running and it is safe to proceed. The code then immediately arranges for Ruby to remove the file on exit.
Note that to check for the file then create it if missing would introduce a race condition. Another execution could create the file between check and creation. As unlikely as that is for a five minute cron job, it's better to play things safe and just try the creation directly.
Having made it this far, the script needs to refresh its memory of where it was in the list of newsgroup messages:
# ...
# find out what the last news item sent was
last_id_sent = Integer(File.read(LAST_ID_FILE).strip)
log.fatal "Unable to get message ID of last news post: #{$!.message}"
exit -1
# ...
A simple text file is used to hold the message number of the last file seen. The code reads that file back to know where to resume its work.
It's now time to connect to Usenet.
# ...
# connect to NNTP host, switch to newgroup, and see how many messages are
# available to read
nntp, last_id_available = nil, nil
Timeout.timeout(30) do
nntp = Net::NNTP.new( ServersConfig::NEWS_SERVER,
ServersConfig::NEWS_PASS )
last_id_available = nntp.group(ServersConfig::NEWSGROUP)[3].to_i
rescue Timeout::Error
log.error "The NNTP connection timed out."
log.fatal "Unable to establish connection to NNTP host: #{$!.message}"
exit -1
# ...
This code tries to establish a connection to the NNTP host and switch to the comp.lang.ruby group being monitored. A reasonable timeout is imposed on this code and will be for all network operations attempted. If the connection is slow for some reason, another attempt can be made by the next cron execution.
The script now advances the NNTP reader to the last message seen, which turns out to be complicated to get right:
# ...
# switch to the last message we sent (or the first real message before that)
Timeout.timeout(30) do
rescue Timeout::Error
log.error "The NNTP message shift timed out."
if $!.message.include?("Bad article number") and last_id_sent.nonzero?
last_id_sent -= 1
log.fatal "Unable to switch to the last message: #{$!.message}"
exit -1
# ...
The problem here is that Usenet messages can be revoked. When that happens, the last message the script saw may no longer exist. The real goal is the message after the last seen post though and an NNTP NEXT
command will skip missing IDs. Given that, the code backs up in the count until it can find an existing message. NEXT
ing forward from that will skip the vanished IDs and land the reader at the desired later message.
To make that leap forward in the message count, the script enters an infinite loop of message processing:
# ...
# main event loop
loop do
# advance to the next message, if there is one
new_last_id, more_messages = nil, true
Timeout.timeout(30) do
new_last_id = nntp.next[1].to_i
rescue Timeout::Error
log.error "Advancing the current NNTP message timed out."
more_messages = false
break unless more_messages
# reality check that we are moving forward
if new_last_id <= last_id_sent
log.fatal "new_last_id (#{new_last_id}) <= last_id_sent " +
"(#{last_id_sent}), quitting to prevent sending duplicates"
exit -1
# ...
As I said, a NEXT
command is sent to the host bringing the reader to an unseen message. A quick sanity check is then made to ensure the count is rising.
Note that this is also the code to determine when there are no more messages. If the NEXT
command fails, the message processing loop terminates. You really need to used this combination of an infinite loop and last message detection when working with Usenet. Any method of counting is pointless, thanks to the numbering issues I described.
At this point, it's time to actually start reading the post:
# ...
# pull the headers for the current messae
head = nil
Timeout.timeout(30) do
head = nntp.head(new_last_id)[3].join("\r\n") + "\r\n"
rescue Timeout::Error
log.error "Fetching the message headers timed out."
log.error "Unable to retrieve headers for message ##{new_last_id}, " +
"will try again later: #{$!.message}"
# don't send articles that the mail_to_news program has previously forwarded
# to the newsgroup (or we'd loop)
if head =~ /^X-rubymirror:/
log.info "Skipping message ##{new_last_id}, sent by mail_to_news"
# ...
This code pulls the message headers and performs the loop check to ensure that messages sent by mail_to_news.rb
are skipped.
# ...
# pull the body for the current message
body = nil
Timeout.timeout(30) do
body = nntp.body(new_last_id)[3].join("\r\n") + "\r\n"
rescue Timeout::Error
log.error "Fetching the message body timed out."
log.error "Unable to retrieve body for message ##{new_last_id}, " +
"will try again later: #{$!.message}"
# scan headers for message data
subject = head =~ /^Subject:\s+([^\r\n]*)/ ? $1 : "?"
from = head =~ /^From:\s+([^\r\n]*)/ ? $1 : "?"
# ensure the message is properly addressed
unless head =~ /^To:/
head = "To: #{ServersConfig::MAILING_LIST}\r\n" + head
log.info "Sending message ##{new_last_id}: #{subject} -- #{from}..."
# ...
The body is then pulled. The script then scans for some message details in the headers to allow us to log accurately about the post. The message is also addressed.
# ...
# extracting path information (poster's host, first nntp hop)
posting_host = head =~ /^NNTP-Posting-Host:\s+(\S[^\r\n]*)/i ? $1 : "unknown"
path = head =~ /^Path:\s+([^\r\n]*)/i ? $1 : "unknown"
path = path.split("!").delete_if { |hop| hop !~ /^(([^.]+)\.)+([^.]+)$/ }
first_hop = path.last
# adding pseudo "Received:" header and rubymirror header
head += <<END_RECEIVED.gsub("\n", "\r\n")
Received: from #{first_hop} (#{first_hop})
by #{ServersConfig::NEWSGROUP} with NTTP id #{new_last_id}
for <#{ServersConfig::MAILING_LIST}>; #{Time.now.to_s}
Received: from [#{posting_host}]
by #{first_hop} (unknown) with NNTP id #{new_last_id}
for <#{ServersConfig::NEWSGROUP}>; #{Time.now.to_s}
Received: from Usenet via a Usenet to mail gateway located at
#{ServersConfig::NEWSGROUP}. This service provided as a courtesy
to the ruby-talk mailing list. If this message is SPAM, its
ultimate origin is Usenet, not this gateway program. All
subscribers to the ruby-talk mailing list agree to receive the
Usenet postings made to comp.lang.ruby via this gateway. Please
see http://www.ruby-lang.org/ruby-talk-usenet-policy.html.
X-From-Usenet: see Received: header above.
X-rubymirror: yes
# build final message
msg = head + body
log.info "Message looks like: #{msg.inspect}"
# ...
The above adds a header explaining the service and constructs the final message.
# ...
# attempt to send email
unless $DEBUG
Timeout.timeout(30) do
Net::SMTP.start(ServersConfig::SMTP_SERVER, 25) do |smtp|
smtp.send_mail( msg,
ServersConfig::MAILING_LIST )
rescue Timeout::Error
log.error "The SMTP connection timed out."
log.fatal "Unable to send email: #{$!.message}"
exit -1
log.info "... Sent."
# ...
Here a connection is established to the SMTP server and the email is sent. The $DEBUG
flag allows me to spot check Gateway functionality without actually sending emails to Ruby Talk.
On to the final step:
# ...
# record new high-water mark
unless $DEBUG or new_last_id == last_id_sent
File.open(LAST_ID_FILE, "w") { |file| file.puts new_last_id }
log.error "Unable to write message ID to file: #{$!.message}"
last_id_sent = new_last_id
log.info "New last message sent ID: #{last_id_sent}"
Getting this far means the script sent an email successfully, so it records the new last seen ID for future runs. That final end
signals the end of the message processing event loop.
Possible Improvements
This code is pretty feature complete.
About the only enhancement I can think of would be to DRY up some of the timeout and error handling code. That's trickier that you might guess because of the extra layers of scoping plus the error messages and exit codes. We almost need a multi-block syntax here. If someone poses a reasonable alternative I'll consider it, but I've tried to keep the code pretty straight forward and the truth is that is just may not be worth the effort.
Any comments or suggestions for the Gateway can be left as comments below.
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