The Standard Library

Digging into those helpful libraries that ship with Ruby.



The Books are Wrong About Logger

I've read several books that introduced the standard Logger library and they all agree on one thing: you can't customize the output. That's so last version in thinking! Behold…

Here's a trivial Logger script, showing basic functionality:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

require "logger"

def expensive_error_report
  sleep 3  # Heavy Computation Simulation (patent pending)

log       =
log.level = Logger::INFO  # set out output level above the DEBUG default

log.debug("We're not in the verbose debug mode.")"We do see informative logs though.")
if log.error?  # check that this will be printed, before waste time

If you run that you will see:

I, [2006-07-08T11:17:19.531943 #340]  INFO -- : We do see informative logs though.
E, [2006-07-08T11:17:22.532424 #340] ERROR -- : YOU BROKE IT!

Now everyone has always known you can format the date and time display using a strftime() compatible pattern:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

require "logger"

def expensive_error_report
  sleep 3

log                 =
log.level           = Logger::INFO
log.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M "  # simplify time output

log.debug("We're not in the verbose debug mode.")"We do see informative logs though.")
if log.error?

Which gives us the slightly easier to read:

I, [2006-07-08 11:23 #384]  INFO -- : We do see informative logs though.
E, [2006-07-08 11:23 #384] ERROR -- : YOU BROKE IT!

All books I've read to date though tell you that's the end of the customization line. But, if you are using Ruby 1.8.4 or higher, it's no longer true:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w

require "logger"

# Build a Logger::Formatter subclass.
class PrettyErrors < Logger::Formatter
  # Provide a call() method that returns the formatted message.
  def call(severity, time, program_name, message)
    if severity == "ERROR"
      datetime      = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
      print_message = "!!! #{String(message)} (#{datetime}) !!!"
      border        = "!" * print_message.length
      [border, print_message, border].join("\n") + "\n"

def expensive_error_report
  sleep 3

log           =
log.level     = Logger::INFO
log.formatter =  # Install custom formatter!

log.debug("We're not in the verbose debug mode.")"We do see informative logs though.")
if log.error?

Here's what that code produces:

I, [2006-07-08T12:20:31.325112 #521]  INFO -- : We do see informative logs though.
!!! YOU BROKE IT! (2006-07-08 12:20) !!!

Don't believe everything you read.

Comments (7)
  1. Jeff
    Jeff July 8th, 2006 Reply Link

    Thanks for this post. I've just started learning about the Ruby Logger, so this was good timing for me.

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  2. Leonard Richardson
    Leonard Richardson July 10th, 2006 Reply Link

    I just checked the Ruby Cookbook and it mentions call(), though your technique of using a subclass is better than my technique of just overriding call().

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  3. Justin
    Justin July 11th, 2006 Reply Link

    James, thanks for that! Too bad they didn't allow for custom logging levels. I just hacked it, but my solution is just that, a quick hack.

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  4. Neville
    Neville December 13th, 2006 Reply Link

    AFAIK, the following example can be simplified using Logger's block parameter, whereby the block is not "yielded" to unless the level is active… ie:

    if log.error?


    log.error { expensive_error_report }

    (Note the curly braces)

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    2. James Edward Gray II
      James Edward Gray II December 13th, 2006 Reply Link

      Thanks for showing that Neville. I was unaware of that feature.

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  5. Joe Martin
    Joe Martin March 18th, 2010 Reply Link

    You can even simplify this a bit more by redefining Logger::Formatter's call method via module_eval:

      %q{ def call(severity, time, progname, msg)} +
      %q{ "#{severity} -- #{format_datetime(time)}  #{progname}:: #{msg2str(msg)}" end}

    Adding this to your script will overwrite the call method in Formatter. I much prefer to manually editing the core Ruby library files, and is more efficient than creating a new subclass.

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    2. James Edward Gray II
      James Edward Gray II March 18th, 2010 Reply Link

      That works too, but I prefer to stick to the public interface the library defines for adjusting the format. My hope that it will stay supported even if the call() method is no longer used internally.

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